Tough Love Tuesday: Introducing BT's Bootcamp


Introducing BT's Bootcamp: my new productivity coaching service. Staying organized comes easily to me, but I know not so much for others. And that's totally ok! Scrolling on Instagram tells you should be hustling at all times, waking up at 4:30 am and looking damn good while you do it. I call BS on that. We all have a ton of things to do, but you do not have to run yourself into the ground to do it. We've all made that to do list that is pages long. We've all procrastinated on a project because we don't know where to begin. I'm here to tell you can accomplish what you want, be it launching your dream project to adding structure to your workday so you can focus on creating the life you want. You may struggle with procrastination, or you just need another eye on the situation. Either way, you've reached the point where enough is enough, and you're ready to go!

Here is how we can work together.


I want you to start, but I understand you may not know where to begin. You have self-doubts and question yourself, but you're ready to stop making excuses. But, here comes self-sabotage, preventing you from taking the leap, from just doing the tasks that will elevate you to the next level.

You think about it all the time. You talk about your dreams with your friends and family, and here they are, waiting patiently to see the thing that you say is coming. Well, my friend, if you don't begin, you will never finish. You will never complete something if you never start it. The longer you wait, the longer you don't reach your goals and the more justifications you will create in your mind. That voice in your head is making you question yourself and sends you down a procrastination spiral.

You want to make a difference in your community. You have an idea you need to share. You have a product that can affect people's lives for the better. You have a skill that could change the world. But, you're nervous and overwhelmed. I don't want those defenses to hold you back. You have a purpose. You have something special to share. I want to help. Imagine yourself 12 weeks from now with your project out in the world. Feels good, doesn't it?


Do you ever feel like you're working all day to make yourself feel like you're busy, but it never gets you anywhere near your end goal? Have you realized you've been doing that for way too long? We see people around us getting so much done, and you start to suspect yourself. You start searching for productivity hacks online. You buy a few books recommended by your fave thought leaders on Amazon. And while you're there, you may as well order that thing you needed for the kitchen... And, then you realize you've just spent your whole day wasting away on the internet, with nothing accomplished, and that happens far too often.

I'm here to whoop you into shape. I will help you figure out how you work best and schedule out your days to utilize your strengths. And, you're not alone with our bi-weekly accountability phone calls. At the end of our 12 weeks together, you will be able to take on your day and tasks with ease. Burnout will be a thing of the past.

Check out the BT's Bootcamp page to learn more about the special introductory offer. I’ve opened up a handful of spots on my calendar, so if you’re interested, act fast. I’m on a mission to reframe how we approach productivity, hustling, and accountability and I can’t wait to help you do just that. Remember, your mindset matters. If you think it will never get done, it won’t. So, how are you helping yourself today?


How I Stay Organized: The CNCPTS Notebook


Tough Love Tuesday: You're Scheduling Your Time Wrong