Tip Tuesday // Five Reasons Why You Should Use Snapchat

I love Snapchat. I may love it more than Instagram right now (shhh, don't tell anyone). I love it because it's a place to connect with your followers on a much more personal level. Here are five reasons why I think Snapchat should join your social media arsenal.

1 // It creates urgency
Each Snap in your story lasts 24 hours so once it's gone, it's gone. It makes your followers constantly check the app to see if you posted something new. It keeps you or your brand on your followers mind.

2 // Want to share a photo of your food? Go for it.
Snapchat is the perfect place to share all that stuff that everyone hates. No one wants to see a closeup of your nachos on Facebook or Instagram but it gets a pass on Snapchat. I post a selfie every time I'm in an Uber. I would NEVER post that anywhere else.
 Snapchat is much more laid back. Which leads to...

3 // It goes away!
You don't have to worry about cluttering up your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds with posts that aren't that important but you still would like to share with your friends or followers. You can keep your social media streamlined and still share all the random moments of your life.

4 // Bloggers and brands are using it to connect with fans
You get to share the day to day minutiae of your life or the behind the scenes of a project right as it's happening. It's the ultimate insiders club. Only people following you can see these moments of your life. It makes your followers feel that they have the inside scoop and they'll come back for more.

5 // It's the gateway to vlogging
I am a big fan of YouTube but have been hesitant on the idea of vlogging. Snapchat it a great place to test the waters and see if you'll be comfortable with adding video to your blog or your business.

At the end of the day, Snapchat is super fun. Hey, Valentino is on Snapchat (maisonvalentino). If he is, you should be too. Add me on Snapchat: brittannypocket. Leave your screen name in the comments.


Day In The Life // Stylist, Olivia Rodrigues


Social Media Week NYC 2015