The Morning After // Skincare For When You Fall Asleep In Your Makeup

Any beauty blogger slash makeup wearer knows that you should take off your makeup every night no matter what. Tired, drunk, dying, whatever it is, you always take off your makeup. But let's be honest now and just say that sometimes that just doesn't happen. So what do you when you wake up and have makeup crusted all over your face? Take even more care to pamper your skin the morning after.

1 // Wash your face

I use the B. Kettner VisoClean Facial Brush and currently Olay Active Botanicals Refreshing Gel Cleanser because it lathers so much and feels very moisturizing. I love using a facial brush because it does such a deeper clean than just using your hands.

2 // Use a toner

After washing my face I use a toner or witch hazel to get whatever is left on skin. Double cleansing is always the way to go when washing your face. I'm not fully all natural yet in my products but I try to be when I can. Check out the Farmaesthetics Pure Complexion Tonic.

3 // Use a mask

I really like using a really moisturizing mask after a night of sleeping in my makeup. I really love the Farmaesthetics Herbal Hydration Complex - Remedy Reserve Mask because it doesn't dry out your face. I literally wore it for well over an hour the other day and completely forgot I had it on.

4 // Exfoliate

I'm a big fan of Frank coffee scrub. It's fantastic from head to toe (the most exciting part when I shaved my head last year was exfoliating my head with it). It does wonders for acne and scarring. I can't recommend it enough.

5 // Moisturize with oils and serums

I love using tea tree oil on my face because it's great for pimples without it being too harsh for your face (I don't recommend using coconut oil on your face because it's too harsh for delicate face skin). I also really enjoy the facial serum from Flipp Apothecary and Salon in Providence. It does wonders for the skin.


What I Love Wednesday // 05.11.16


Photo Story // Mother's Day