+/- March 2015

I love everytime I go to write these posts that I forget every single thing I've done in the month. Thank goodness for planners and Instagram to remind me.

+ Planning big things with a few of my fellow PVD Lady Project members and friends. I love being around like minded women and being able to help each other reach our goals.

+ Speaking of the Lady Project, I've written most of my Instagram workshop for the Lady Project Summit. I'm pretty nervous but I thankfully Instagram is something I can talk about at length so I think it will go well.

+ I've been blowing through a lot of books lately. Thank god for audiobooks! This past month I finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson. Steve Jobs is a beast of a book and I own a physical copy but it was too overwhelming to hold and read. The audiobook made is so much easier to get through. Also it helps for multitasking because it was great to listen to while I worked.

+ I got a new desk! I'm slowly replacing my furniture. I'm taking this year as a time to start over and shed a lot of old things and that includes making my space into a place I enjoy being in. I'm at my desk a lot so it was time to get a new one.

- I got sick again! This one was definitely viral because everyone has been sick lately. The snow and the dreary weather definitely put a damper on my mood.

- I've been having a hard time taking photos with my phone this month. I'm blaming not leaving the house much and drowning in seasonal depression. I have been Snapchatting my face off though so check me out there at brittannypocket.


Day In The Life // Model, Maeve Stier


Day In The Life // Blogger, Patsy Culp