+/- July 2016

I don't know what happens when I go to write this post every month that I completely forget what I did and who I am. I blame Sunrise shutting down and me having to switch to iCal. It's so ugly I barely use it. There is a secret for you, I have to look at my calendar when I write these posts because I can't remember anything. So let's talk about what I do remember.

+ I started bullet journaling which I will talk about in depth in a later post. It's helping me get a bit more productive and I like being able to create my own ideal planner. This is the notebook I am using.

+ On Thursday the 21st of this month myself and a few friends threw an End Rape Culture event. We mailed over 120 letters to call for the unseating of Judge Aaron Persky of the Stamford rape case. I was so thrilled to see all the people who showed up and all the people who came in off the street to come together to stand up for this injustice.

+ I went to Vegas last week to go to the CosmoProf trade show. I will post photos from my trip later on in the week but mostly I wanted to talk now about the flying aspect of the trip. As you may remember I took my first flight last year at the age of 32. This trip I wasn't nervous at all flying. Maybe I was distracted from a conversation prior that happened in the airport but whatever the reason, I was totally cool with it. I actually got to fly first class on the way back home for one of the flights. I really want to do more traveling and I even filled out the paperwork to get my passport!

+ I saw Malala Yousafzai speak at the Dunkin Donuts Center which was amazing. She is such an inspiring young woman. Afterwards, I watched Hillary Clinton give her speech at the Democratic National Convention. It was a historic night for woman.

- My sleeping schedule is all messed up from traveling and my body doesn't know if it wants to be sick or not. What else is new for me?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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